
ACTS stands for Actively Caring Through Service. ACTS meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm to share devotions, prayers, and brainstorm projects to better our community and world while sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Click here to see some of our projects. All are welcome to join us!
Contact Ken Schneider

Food Ministry
With support from our congregation, community members, and Gleaners Food Bank, HUMC houses a food bank that is open on the second and fourth Fridays of the month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
Contact Jean or Jenn Tarner

Benevolence Ministry
Through our Benevolence Ministry, we help those who may be down a bit in their luck and need a helping hand.
Contact the church office

Youth Ministry
Hanover UMC provides a Sunday night youth ministry. The youth or the youth's family does not need to be a member of our church to participate
For the Sunday Night Youth Ministry, contact Tom Webber

Quilt Ministry
Our quilt ministry, called Prayers and Squares, provides fellowship as we create love-filled quilts that are prayed over by our congregation before being given to those in need. Click here to learn more.
Contact Binnie Phillips

Hannah's Harbor
HUMC partners with Jefferson County Transitional Services, Inc. (JCTS) to provide a three-quarters transitional housing home for women in recovery.
Contact Liz Webber